- 3 points for having at least 1 supply center at the end of the game
- 1 point per supply center at the last winter phase of the game
- The board topper (player with the most centers) receives a 6 point bonus.
- If two players or more are tied for the top, they each receive a 4 points bonus instead of 6.
- Each player who finishes at exactly one center less than the board topper(s) receives a 4 point bonus. If there is a lone board topper and nobody finishes within one center of that player, the board topper also receives this 4 point bonus.
- Each player who finishes at exactly two centers less than the board topper(s) receives a 2 point bonus. If there is a lone board topper and nobody finishes within one or two centers of that player, the board topper also receives this 2 point bonus.
- Eliminated players receive 0.1 points for each game year they played.
- In the case of a solo, the winner receives a total of 60 points. All other players receive points as if they had been eliminated.